Client Partners:  Seddon Construction, Caddick Construction, The Heaton Group, Willmott Dixon, Galliford Try

Objective: To help long-term unemployed individuals (LTUE) in Wigan re-enter the workforce while supporting our client partners fulfill their social value commitments.

Project Background

We Are Footprint recognised a meaningful opportunity to connect the social value goals of our clients in and around Wigan with the aspirations of individuals facing long-term unemployment. We saw the chance to bridge the gap between a dedicated but underutilised workforce and the construction industry’s demand for skilled, local talent.

The construction industry offers significant potential for local employment, but we needed to ensure candidates were not only interested in returning to work but also equipped and motivated to sustain long-term employment.

Our initial partnership with the local Job Centre Plus focused on re-engaging work coaches to identify suitable candidates, we attended two open days to facilitate this. To strengthen our approach, we expanded our collaboration to include Ingeus, part of the government Restart scheme which supports LTUE individuals out of employment for over nine months. We also worked closely with Procure Plus who have a network of partners that work with LTUE individuals in the local Wigan area to help people into work.

Working together, our aim was twofold: to provide meaningful employment pathways for motivated LTUE candidates and to help our clients deliver on their social impact commitments by creating local, sustainable employment opportunities.

Solutions Provided

To address these challenges, we developed a comprehensive, multi-faceted strategy aimed at equipping and empowering LTUE candidates through engagement and support, while also meeting the needs of our clients.

Employment Interview Workshops at Ingeus: We held two workshops to provide candidates with mock interview experience and insights into what employers in construction value most.  These sessions helped build candidates’ confidence, aided them with their CV presentation, and offered them valuable industry insights while allowing us to identify those genuinely eager and ready to return to the workforce.

Employment Coaching Sessions with Job Centre Plus: We delivered a presentation to Job Centre work coaches, helping them better understand the available roles and how We Are Footprint supports LTUE placements. These sessions ensured work coaches were equipped to guide candidates through the hiring process with confidence.

Wigan Job Centre Plus Careers Fair: We were involved in a careers fair at the Wigan Job Centre, creating an accessible and welcoming space for LTUE candidates to meet potential employers and explore job opportunities in the local construction sector.

Long-Term Goals

1. Forge Strong, Lasting Relationships: to build and maintain relationships with organisations that support motivated LTUE candidates, ensuring a consistent and sustainable pipeline of potential employees for our clients.

 2. Meet Clients’ Social Value Commitments: to continuously source and place suitable LTUE candidates to help our clients achieve their social value targets and positively impact local communities.

 3. Shift Perceptions of LTUE Candidates: to demonstrate the dedication and capability of LTUE workers to reshape employer attitudes, therefore increasing opportunities for LTUE individuals and making them more competitive in the job market.

Results to Date

Since the initiative’s launch in August, six candidates have successfully secured employment, with three placed in long-term freelance roles that improve their chances of permanent employment. Our regular follow-up visits provide ongoing support for both employees and employers, ensuring placements are sustainable, mutually beneficial, and foster lasting success.

"After over 40 years in the industry, finding myself unemployed for nearly 12 months was incredibly tough. I was applying for 30-40 roles every week, but despite my experience, I struggled to find the right opportunity. Working with Ingeus gave me the support and guidance I needed during that time, helping me stay focused and positive. Living on just £60-£70 a week felt impossible at times, I even had to sleep in my car for a while as I was homeless, and then after my knee treatment, I had a few emotional moments. I met We Are Footprint at Ingeus on a Tuesday, and they arranged an interview for me on a Wednesday and I started working onsite by Monday for Seddon Construction on a short term assignment. This then led through We Are Footprint to a role with longevity at Caddick Construction, I'm back to doing what I love!"

“There’s a huge amount of latent talent and experience in our Greater Manchester population, which, with a little care and attention, identifying it and developing it, can be put into sustainable jobs and careers. Ingeus’ partner of choice to engage this talent within the construction industry is We Are Footprint. We’ve found working with them a pleasure. Pippa, Narina and the team are really easy to deal with, no request made goes without a response and this led to six of our participants being placed into work, with many more pending. We are now partnering with them in other contractual areas to develop this relationship still further.”

“Seddon Construction are committed to engaging with local communities, supporting people into employment on our schemes and in our offices. We see great value in working with organisations who engage with barriered groups such as DWP, Ingeus, and Groundwork Greater Manchester, as many individuals from these backgrounds face real challenges when it comes to securing employment and enhancing skills, we are keen to make positive changes to improve their employment prospects. We work in collaboration with our social enterprise recruiter, We Are Footprint, who provides further support to our applicants with training, mental health support, and where possible ensuring after the work placement with Seddon they are offered future work on local projects being served by them.”

Looking Ahead

This initiative demonstrates how targeted support can create meaningful change for individuals and communities.

We Are Footprint is committed to expanding these efforts, forging stronger partnerships, and providing impactful employment opportunities in Wigan and beyond - fostering positive change for individuals, communities, and the construction sector alike.