We Are Footprint actively support and promote employee wellness. We have a dedicated Aftercare and Well-being Manager, as well as a number of certified Mental Health First Aiders within the business. Our Aftercare and Well-being Manager is in regular contact with all our placements, checking that they are all ok inside and outside of work, as well as just letting them know that we are here to talk to them about anything they wish. 


Construction work has a variety of pressures from tight contracts, long hours, time away from family and friends, and managing budgets within a perceived  ‘macho’ culture. With the added stresses of the pandemic and now the rising costs of living it is no wonder a third of Construction workers suffer with elevated levels of anxiety every day.


As a company we want to raise awareness about mental health at work and try to help in any way we can as it is so important.  We are here to listen and try to make life a little easier for everyone in some way by simply offering better well-being support in the workplace.